Tips For A Productive Day

For me, productivity is self care.

There is, however, a big difference between busy and productivity. Productivity, in my opinion, is more important than being busy. Because of a routine and tips I’ve learned, its helped me become more relaxed and focused so that productivity is at the forefront of my work.

Experience has taught me that these things help me be at my best everyday. That means the actions and efforts I do take are the most impactful.


Makes you feel better both physically and mentally, and gives you more energy.

The less hungry you are, the more you stay focused

You're basically a houseplant with emotions, care for yourself accordingly and take measures to be at your best!

Coffee maker set the night before

Little act of self care that goes a long way

Saves you time in the morning

If someone that loves you makes you coffee, waking up to a task taken care of the night before does wonders to your energy and overall mood for the day.

Journaling/ morning pages

Journaling received more attention in the past decade or so.

I have never been able to keep a neat journal, but that relives the stress of having to keep a neat, perfect journal. People aren’t perfect, so why should your journals be as well?

The way I write is often messy and mostly unstructured, which is the most effective for me.

This idea I got from The Artist’s Way (Cameron)

Every morning (the earlier the better) I sit and handwrite 3 notebook pages; It doesn’t matter what I write as long as it is three pages. It’s sometimes literally been “blah blah blah blah…” for several lines until something starts. Don’t push inspiration, otherwise you might feel as if you’ve failed, and journals–whether messy and unorganized, or neat and pretty, inspiration will come, and sometimes it will not. When I write, I am not aiming for Pulitzer prize winner material. In fact, “something” is most often a simple clarity of thought or intention. When I write it is streaming thought. I don’t care if it makes sense; I don’t care about grammar, spelling etc.

Sometimes when I’m in a bad mood, or wake up on the wrong side of the bed, I sit and write about all the things I’m thankful for. At the end of 3 pages, my mood has changed and I legitimately feel better.

It is so much more about the action and feeling afterward than what is being written.

I don’t even read them after they’re written.

Setting intention

This takes just a few moments, but it can have a huge impact.

I take a few breaths, quiet my mind (this is really good for right after journaling cause you just dumped your mind onto paper and for a moment there is stillness)

I think about the top 3 most important things to do for the day.

I think of them in terms of the “I get to do them” vs “I have to do them” (this effects your energy)

I set my intentions on showing up for these tasks, where I go with the flow and have fun and be present in the moment


I have a giant travel mug with blend of tangerine positive energy and spearmint echinacea tea

I know it's a little cheesy to be drinking positive energy tea (maybe even more so after reading my list haha)

But, bro, this combo is SO GOOD - even if you are not a tea drinker, you will like this!

Before I leave for the studio I use my electric tea kettle to boil enough water for a giant travel mug.

I add 2 bags each of Yogi Tangerine Positive Energy tea and Traditional Medicinals Echinacea with spearmint Tea and a big spoonful of raw honey.

Stays good all day, and is still  tasty even if it gets cold. It also personally gives me more energy and focus than coffee (I almost feel blasphemous for saying that but it’s true)

What are some things that keep you productive?


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