Photoshoot Prep: Body & Mind

Tarot Series: The Magician
Tarot Series: The Magician

6 Smart Ways to Use Your Branding Photos

Photoshoot Prep: Planning your outfits

The real reason you don't like photos of yourself
the real reason you don't like photos of yourself

"Wait.. you don't just show up and take pictures??"
there's sooo much more that makes booking a session with me unique

Angel Blazer, 48
I have always felt like I was expected to live and act a certain way - to stay inside the “ good girl” box.

Mandy Halley, 45

Tarot Meanings: Six of Wands
Six of Wands - Hold the vision. Trust the process.

Tarot Meanings: 10 of Pentacles
10 of pentacles
I am surrounded by an abundance of wealth, health & happiness.

"Growing old is a privilege denied to many".
My favorite quote is "Growing old is a privilege denied to many".

The Tarot Series: Strength

Amanda Caldwell, 45

Ruthie Sheets, 42

Shelly Ranegar, 51

Scarlett Enos, 52

4 Books That Could Change Your Life
These 4 books inspired massive change in my life and I am sharing them so they can help change your life too.

5 Ways to Stop Caring What Other People Think of You

7 Powerful Reasons to Shine